- Last Name: LEE
- Given Name: Elizabeth Wilson
- Birth: 20 Nov 1887
, Birth Place: Scotland
- Death: 6 Aug 1950
, Place of Death: Cape Town
- AGED: YR: 62, MO: 8, DA: 16
- Maiden Name : Whiteside
- Inscriptions:sacred / to the memory of / Aubrey Sylvester / Beuglass Bradley / born Beaconsfield SA 14th March 1891 / died Nairobi 27 June 1944 / his sun went down / while it was yet day
and / Elizabeth Wilson Lee / (nee Whiteside) / born Scotland 20th November 1887 / died Capetown 6th August 1950 / in cherished / remembrance
- Cemetery: St Pauls Chuch, Kiambu
- Notes:
This stone is on the grave of A S B Bradley