Forest Road CemeteryForest Road Cemetery
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Cemetery: Forest Road Cemetery


Longitude & Latitude

Long. 36° 49' 58.22"E, Lat 1° 15' 58.90" S

Township,  Nairobi,
Country: Kenya


Notes: Take the Forest Road dual carriageway in the direction of Thika. The cemetery can be found on the left at the end of the dual carriageway just before Pangani roundabout.

Other Notes: The first burial was that of F Fernandes on 6 Nov 1918. Burials in the main cemetery declined from 1946 when City Park Cemetery opened but burials still take place in the Jewish section.

Ownership: Nairobi City Council.


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(C) 2004-2015 Bob Barnes

PUBLISHER ID#: 0330102218aa

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